It’s time we ditch exotic and embrace desi

 Book Review- 

Vegetarian Cuisine From The Himalayan Foothills: Flavours And Beyond

- Shubh Mathur -

What does a health-conscious, vegetarian guy need on travel to Manali? Healthy food, Of course! And Voila, Veena Sharma has got that covered in her well-presented and comprehensive catalogue of the delectable vegetarian dishes nitpicked from the nooks and corners of the Himalayas for the author. This review, henceforth, would be part appreciation and part gratitude to Veena for her wonderful and eccentric effort in bringing out a recipe-book that is much more than just that.

Yoga opines that food is not just energy but a vibe in itself. When one begins reading the book, it feels as if an Ayurvedic scripture or a Yogic lesson on Gastronomy is unfolding before him; the reader is made to rever and sanctify food.

Further, the reader does not feel disconnected from the book even if he is not into cooking. Most of the recipes, although made with local ingredients, fall well within the reach of any middle-class home in India. Unlike the celebrity chefs who present any illogical smorgasbord on your palette, here, the recipes are not too exorbitant or exaggerated that one would feel apprehensive rather than an urge to try something afresh.

Special credits must go to the photographer, Nandita Singh, for complimenting the rich culture with luring photos and adding another layer to this beautifully crafted book. When the entire country is going ‘vocal for local’, it’s time we ditch exotic and embrace desi.

Vegetarian Cuisine From The Himalayan Foothills: Flavours And Beyond

Niyogi Books

Block D, Building No. 77

Okhla Industrial Area, Phase- I

New Delhi- 110020




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